Many companies, state and church institutions, artists and private individuals have placed their trust in our company. Below are testimonials from our satisfied customers.

Statue of Stanisław Szozda
Statue to the outstanding cyclist Stanisław Szozda by Mr. Przemysław Wolny installed in Prudnik, with which the cyclist was associated.
The monument was created on the initiative of the authorities of the Prudnik poviat, thanks to the co-financing of the project from the European funds of the Pradziad Euroregion.

Horses for the fountain in Janów Podlaski
For over a year we worked on a project concerning a bronze sculpture of a family of horses (mare, stallion, foal) commissioned by UBiT from Biała Podlaska. The prototype of the sculptures was made by Mr. Arkadiusz Markiewicz and the 1:1 scale models were created in the studio of Mr. Przemysław Wolny. The sculptures were installed in a fountain in the centre of Janów Podlaski.

Jeremi Przybora bench - Białobrzegi
Our foundry, together with Michał Dyląg, was the winner of the contest for the project of the Jeremi Przybora Bench in Białobrzegi. We made the bench with the poet’s figure and sculptures of geese that are associated with Białobrzegi, as well as 12 historical plaques.